Strategic Partnership
The Strategic Partnership project is funded by People’s Health Trust to deliver a citizen’s jury to look at the growing numbers of hospital admissions of people living in Higher croft area suffering with respiratory diseases such as Asthma and Coronary Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
BwD Healthy Living recruited 15 people from the Higher croft area in Blackburn to form the Citizens Jury, ages ranged from 18 through to 88.
We have completed several sessions where we have spoken to a number of patients and their family members who have described what their lives look like living with one of these conditions on a daily basis and the impact it has on the whole family including being restricted. There have been speakers that have been invited to present to the citizens jury including patients with lived in experience, Healthwatch BwD, Care Network, Department of Works and Pension and BwD Enforcement Team.
The project is running at present until December 2024 currently looking at recommendations and will be evaluated externally by Prova.