Energy Support Grants
This scheme was made available to the most in need residents of the borough from early December 2020. It provided the cost of food, energy (gas and electricity) water bills and other essentials for those who have been directly impacted by COVID 19. In December 2021 the project was renamed to the Household Support Scheme and expanded to offer additional support. This will run until the end of March 2022.
The scheme is funded by Central Government and managed by the Local Authority. There are 16 partners that help deliver this initiative. Our organisation concentrates on the energy element of the scheme, supporting residents from Blackburn East.
Taking whole system, partnership and strength-based approach enabled the support to be placed in the heart of communities with the Council’s Help Hub as the central point of contact to support residents needing support.
“Having the £70 for the electric has helped us greatly as our electricity was about to run out and our family were not in a position to help us. We wouldn’t have had electricity to cook food or warm the baby’s bottle. Without the help of the food parcel, we wouldn’t have had much to eat either. We are grateful to the service which has helped us all massively”
“The £50 credit for my gas and electric was a blessing! My benefit payment had been delayed a week and as I was isolating, I was using more gas and electric than I normally would. With this credit I was able to keep warm, cook food and shower without the worry of my gas and electric running out”
“Working in Partnership is effective. When there is teamwork and collaboration positive outcomes can be achieved. I have collaborated with BwD Healthy Living on many occasions in supporting the people of Blackburn and Darwen. I am privileged to work in partnership with them” – Siobhan Birtwistle, Community Connector, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council